Use this form to transfer an animal registered with Council to another person. Changes can only be made with the signature of the previous owner or an attached statutory declaration.
Complete this form if you have a new dog or cat, or it is new to East Gippsland Shire. All dogs and cats must have a microchip and must be registered at 3 months of age.
Australia Day Awards are presented annually to local citizens and community groups that have made an outstanding contribution or may have gone above and beyond in our community. Nominations for the awards close at 5.00 pm Sunday 3 December 2023 and announced at a formal event before 26th January 2024
Request a copy of building plans or permits that have been issued for your property. If you do not own the property you will need to obtain written consent from the owner.
Copies of Septic Tank Plans or Permits Application
Copy of septic plans can only be given to the property owner, or a person having written permission from the owner. There is non refundable fee for the search.
This permit allows you to place or display any goods in a public place or on the footpath immediately outside a premises where you sell goods. This permit has a yearly fee.
East Gippsland Volunteer Honour Roll Registration Form
Public Information
Are you a volunteer? Or do you know someone who contributes to our community in a volunteering capacity?
Register your details now to be formally recognised on the East Gippsland Honour Roll, to be updated annually during National Volunteer Week in May.
This form can be used to request access to documents held by East Gippsland Shire Council (Council) under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).
Immunisation records history may be accessed by completing this form, or alternatively you can contact the Australian Immunisation Register or the medical clinic where received.
If you would like to report an incident and you are not seeking compensation due to injury, loss or damage, please complete an Incident Notification Report Form
There is a limit to how many animals can be kept on a property without a permit. Submit this form if you want to have more than the allowed amount of animals in accordance with Council's General Local Law.
Community Groups and Organisations applying for funding assistance through other agencies may require a Letter of Support from Council for their application. This form needs to be submitted 10 business days before the applications close.
Please use this form to make any suggestion relating to your library service, its programs, events or suggested items to be purchased for the collection.
Memorandum of Consent for Major Traffic Control Items at Road Worksite Application
Common major traffic control items for worksites include speed restriction signs, stop and give way signs, traffic control signs and stop here on red signal signs.
Please attach supporting documents for any name change. These documents may include a Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate, Deed Poll document or current Drivers Licence.
Neighbours' Response - Report and Consent Application
Use this form if a request is being made for a Report and Consent of the Municipal Building Surveyor to vary the default siting requirement at a neighbouring property.
If you believe you will be adversely affected by the granting of a Planning Permit, you can lodge a formal objection with Council by completing this form.
Occupy a Temporary Dwelling Application - Bushfire Recovery
Community Laws
This form is for the use of a Temporary Dwelling. It applies only for a property where a dwelling that was a primary place of residence was destroyed in the 2019/20 bushfires and the owner intends to rebuild a permanent dwelling.
Permit to Erect a Temporary Advertising Sign on Roadside Application
Community Laws
Apply to advertise on roadside signage boards installed at specific locations by Council to promote events and projects run by local Community organisations.
Use this form if you require a planning permit to develop or use land for a particular purpose. Other approvals may be needed such as a building approval.
Community members wishing to ask a question at a Council Meeting must complete this form and adhere to the principles and requirements outlined in Council’s Mutual Respect Charter and Governance Rules.
Request a refund. Evidence of the transaction is required unless it is a result of the application of a pension rebate. Acceptable evidence of payment: Cash Receipt from Australia Post or Council, Bank Statement, Credit Card Statement.
Registration of a Domestic Animal Business Application
A Domestic Animal Business must meet any Building/Planning rules, and register their premises with Council before they can operate. Registration is renewed annually.
Use this form for registering businesses that conduct activities in East Gippsland Shire Council such as hairdressing, beauty therapy, body piercing and tattooing.
Long grass that exceeds 100mm in height may be deemed a fire hazard, and can be reported using this form. Council will notify the owners and begin working with them to rectify the issue.
Report any issues or feedback to Council using this form. If you would like to report an incident due to injury, loss or damage please don't use this form, please refer to our Incident Notification Report Form
If your building project does not meet a requirement of the Building Regulations 2018, you must obtain Council's report and consent before a building permit can be issued.
Request for Inspection and Information on a Registered Premises
If you are buying a food business, you can request a Council inspection prior to settlement to ensure the premises complies with the requirements of the Food Act 1984.
Community members wishing to speak on item/s listed on the agenda for a current Council Meeting or any other matter must complete this form and adhere to the principles and requirements outlined in Council’s Mutual Respect Charter and Governance Rules.
Supporting our community to divert waste from landfill. This form can be used to seek a rebate when one or more of the eligible products are purchased. These can be a Cloth nappy product, reusable sanitary product or Compost bin or worm farm. Only one type of product rebate can be applied for. See Terms and Conditions on the application form for more information.