Council Property
Council Property
Council has a diverse property portfolio consisting mainly of two types of land: Council-owned land, and land where it is the appointed Committee of Management of Crown land known as Council-managed land.


Council property may used for a range of purposes as follows:

  • Parks, footpaths and roads used by the public
  • Council’s facilities such as offices, libraries, depots, landfill and transfer stations, aerodromes, saleyards
  • Recreation reserves managed by a management committee
  • Land or buildings leased or licensed to a third party
  • A lease or licence is needed if you wish to occupy Council property.

All Council-owned or managed land intended to be leased or licensed is open for public comment.

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Do I need a Lease or Licence?

A lease or licence is formal agreement for permission to occupy Council-owned or Council-managed land for a particular purpose. Council has a policy which sets out the many types of occupations that need a formal agreement. To occupy Council-owned or managed land, you need public liability insurance of at least $20 million. If you are planning to construct a building or change the current use of the land you may need other approvals as well as a formal agreement – such as a planning permit or building approval.

See the Planning Permits and Building Permits pages for more information.

The 'Leasing and Licencing Policy for Council owned Land and Council managed land' may be viewed on the Council Policies page.

Intention to lease or licence property

All Council-owned land or Council-managed land intended to be leased or licensed is open for public comment.

Public comments are open 21 days.

The information must not be used for any purpose which may breach any Copyright or Privacy Laws.

You can view Proposed Leases or Licences of Land or Buildings on our Public Notices page.

Commenting on a proposed lease or licence

If you are affected by or have concerns about a proposed lease or licence you can contact Council to discuss prior to the closing date.

You can also submit a comment, which may include suggestions for changes that would resolve your concerns.

Anyone can lodge a comment to a proposed lease or licence.

What happens next?

If you have a verbal comment it will be resolved by phone.

If you lodge a written comment you will be sent a letter confirming your comment has been received and the outcome.

You may be invited to provide further information regarding your comment.

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It is an offence to occupy land if a formal agreement is needed and you have not obtained one.

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