Vulnerable Persons Register
Vulnerable Persons Register
The Vulnerable Persons Register (VPR) is a local list of people who may need consideration in an emergency.

The Vulnerable Persons Register (VPR) is maintained by agencies that provide personal care, support and case management services to people living in the community in partnership with Council. You may also want to consider registering for the Police

What type of event will activate the VPR?

 A fire, flood, storm, heatwave, earthquake, explosion, terrorist act, accident, epidemic or warlike action which:

  • Endangers, or threatens to endanger, the safety or health of persons or animals
  • Destroys or damages, or threatens to destroy or damage, property
  • That may require a significant and coordinated response.

Who is a vulnerable person?

A vulnerable person is someone living in the community who is frail, and/or physically or cognitively impaired and unable to comprehend warnings and directions and/or respond in an emergency situation.

If you are aware of someone who is vulnerable and would need assistance in an emergency, please email or phone us on 5153 9500.


Telecross is operated by Red Cross and provides peace of mind to people who are isolated through a daily call to check on their wellbeing and safety. For more information contact Red Cross.

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Emergency contacts

For all emergencies dial 000

  • Police / Fire / Ambulance - 000
  • Victorian Bushfire Information Line - 1800 240 667. Callers with hearing or speech difficulties can use textphone / telewriter (TTY) on 1800 555 677.
  • SES - 132 500
  • SES Flood and Storm Information Line - 1300 VICSES (1300 842 737)
  • East Gippsland Shire Council - 5153 9500
  • East Gippsland Water - 1300 134 202
  • Electricity - AusNet Services: Powerlines - 131 799, Transmission Network - 1800 111 164
  • Gas Emergencies - 136 707
  • Hospital (Bairnsdale) - 5150 3333
  • Lifeline - 131 114
  • Poison Information - 131 126
  • RACV - 131 111
  • Traffic information and road closures - 131 170
  • Wildlife injuries - 1300 094 535

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