Council Budget
Council Budget
Council’s Budget is developed each year within an overall planning framework that guides Council in addressing community needs and aspirations over the long term (Community Vision) and medium term (Council Plan).


Help shape the 2025/26 Draft Budget

We deliver a wide range of services across a large rural shire, including libraries, emergency management, roads, waste and recycling, sport and recreation, health, and local laws. By taking part in this activity, you’re helping us understand which services matter most to you and your community.

Your feedback is key to our budget planning. It allows us to consider what resources are needed to provide the services that have the greatest impact on our community.

Your input will provide valuable information to guide us in making decisions that help us continue to provide high-quality services across East Gippsland.

Why your input matters
  • It helps us identify which services should be prioritised to best support the community.
  • It guides how we allocate resources effectively in our budget.
  • It puts a focus on enhancing the services that have the greatest positive impact on our community.

We look forward to receiving your feedback through the 'Fund It' tool as the first stage of our 2025/26 Draft Budget community engagement

Key dates - 2025/26 Draft Budget

Friday 31 January 2025 to Friday 21 February 2025: Fund It - community engagement

Have your say on the services that are important to you, using the Fund It tool.

March 2025: Fund It - feedback considered by Councillors

Councillors will consider all feedback provided to inform the development of the Draft Budget 2025/26.

March 2025: Rating and Revenue Plan - community engagement

Community engagement opens for the Rating and Revenue Plan.

April 2025: Rating and Revenue Plan - feedback considered by Councillors

Councillors will consider all feedback provided to inform the Rating and Revenue Plan.

May 2025: Strategic Documents - community engagement

Have your say on of the strategic documents:

  • Draft Council Plan 2025-29
  • Long Term Financial Plan
  • Draft Budget 2025/26
  • Rating and Revenue Plan

May-June 2025: Strategic Documents - feedback considered by Councillors

Councillors will consider all feedback provided by the community to inform finalising the strategic documents.

  • Council Plan 2025-29
  • Long Term Financial Plan
  • Annual Budget 2025/26
  • Rating and Revenue Plan
  • Asset Plan

Tuesday 24 June 2025 - Council Meeting

Council Meeting to adopt:

  • Council Plan 2025-29
  • Long Term Financial Plan
  • Annual Budget 2025/26
  • Rating and Revenue Plan
  • Asset Plan

2024/25 Budget

Our Budget 2024-25 resources the final year of the Council Plan 2021-25.

It is a budget guided by Council’s vision that East Gippsland will be an inclusive and innovative community that values our natural environment, puts community at the centre of Council decision making and creates the conditions in which the community can thrive.

Council adopted the budget at the 25 June 2024 Council Meeting.

The newly adopted budget funds the final year of the Council Plan 2021-25, which is driven by a vision of an inclusive and innovative East Gippsland. It prioritises the natural environment, community-centred decision-making, and conditions conducive to a thriving and prosperous region.

In developing the budget, Council said it recognised that cost-of-living pressures are impacting many.

It therefore developed a disciplined budget that keeps rates at 2.75 per cent, which is below forecast inflation, balancing community aspirations for more of some services and delivering on our legislative obligations while keeping the financial impact on community as low as possible.

The budget includes an 11-page summary at the front of the document to give readers a snapshot of the budget.

It also explains how the budget was compiled, and what Council considered in its decision making.

Read the Budget 2024/25

Previous budget

Read the Budget 2023/24

We have put together a 2023-24 budget information sheet. This outlines the main changes to fees and charges.

Our Services guide

A snapshot of the services and programs delivered by Council.

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Council Budget 2015-16
Date approved:  
June 23, 2015
The Annual Budget 2015-16 was adopted at the 23 June 2015 Council Meeting.
Council Budget 2016-17
Date approved:  
East Gippsland Shire Council's budget for the 2016/17 financial year.
Council Budget 2017-18
Date approved:  
East Gippsland Shire Council's budget for the 2017/18 financial year.
Council Budget 2018-19
Date approved:  
June 26, 2018
The Annual Budget 2018-19 was adopted at the 26 June 2018 Council Meeting.
Council Budget 2019-20
Date approved:  
East Gippsland Shire Council's budget for the 2019/20 financial year.
Council Budget 2020-21
Date approved:  
East Gippsland Shire Council's budget for the 2020/21 financial year.
Council Budget 2021-22
Date approved:  
June 29, 2021
The Annual Budget 2020-21 was adopted at the 29 June 2021 Council Meeting.
Council Budget 2022-23
Date approved:  
Council's Budget 2022-23 was adopted at the 28 June Council meeting.
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Council Budget 2022-23
Council Budget 2021-22
Council Budget 2020-21
Council Budget 2019-20
Council Budget 2018-19
Council Budget 2017-18
Council Budget 2016-17
Council Budget 2015-16
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10-Year Financial Plan 2024-25 to 2033-34

Council is required to develop, adopt and keep in force a Financial Plan in accordance with its deliberative engagement practices.

The Financial Plan covers at least the next 10 financial years.

The 10-Year Financial Plan was adopted by Council at the 25 June 2024 Council Meeting.

Four-Year Revenue and Rating Plan 2024-25 to 2027-28

Council prepares and adopts a Revenue and Rating Plan by the next 30 June after a general election for a period of at least the next four financial years.

The Four-Year Revenue and Rating Plan includes information regarding rating legislation and principles together with information on Council’s current rating differentials, service charges and other administrative rating matters.

The Plan also includes information on:

  • all other forms of revenue
  • the assumptions that underpin the Plan for the four years.

The Plan supports the 10-Year Financial Plan and the Annual Budget.

The Plan was adopted at the 25 June 2024 Council Meeting.

Council Budget 2022-23
Council Budget 2021-22
Council Budget 2020-21
Council Budget 2019-20
Council Budget 2018-19
Council Budget 2017-18
Council Budget 2016-17
Council Budget 2015-16
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