Emergencies can happen at any time. They can be as large as a bushfire, flood or cyclone or as personal as a death in the family. The better you prepare for them, the easier it is for you and your family to recover.
While emergency services do all they can to help, the person most responsible for your wellbeing before, during and after an emergency is you.
Council has developed five free disaster preparedness forms that will help you prepare your household or farm for any emergency.
The Household Emergency Plan, Individual Emergency Plan and Farm Plan are editable PDF documents. This means you can fill them in using your computer or print and fill in manually.
If you haven't prepared and made a plan, an emergency could disrupt your life in ways you don't expect. Get prepared and you'll be more confident, more in control and more likely to cope in the situation.
With the summer fire season imminent, there is a need for owners of properties to prepare for the fire season.
If you would like to volunteer please register at the Volunteer Victoria website or call (03) 9208 3353.
You are encouraged to register and list what support you can offer. Council has access to the register so we can utilise the skills of registered volunteers to meet community needs during emergencies.
East Gippsland Shire Council has engaged ResilientCo to undertake training with community members to operate Emergency Relief Centres.
In the event of a significant emergency, an Emergency Relief Centre (ERC) is often established at a town hall or similar location.
An ERC is a place that provides information about the emergency and the support and information available to help the community cope with the impact of the emergency.
It is a place where affected individuals can go to:
• get emergency information,
• reconnect with their community,
• register their details on Register.Find.Reunite (Red Cross)
• access relief support services to assist with their immediate needs.
You may be eligible for GERF- Gippsland Emergency Relief Funding.
The GERF Application form can be downloaded here.
Contact your Council to complete as assessment and lodge and application to GERF.
Call (03) 5153 9500 or contact us for more information.
Emergency relief payments are available for eligible community members whose homes have been impacted by the floods and storms in East Gippsland.
Emergency relief payments are designed to provide immediate financial help for eligible Victorians experiencing extreme financial hardship due to the floods and storms.
An emergency relief payment can help you to pay for things you need most, including:
• food
• clothing
• medication
• accommodation
Emergency relief payments are based on a fixed amount for each member of your household.
The payment is not calculated based on how much money you earn.
Payments are $640 per adult and $320 per child, up to a maximum of $2240 per eligible family.
Who can get the payment
You are eligible for a relief payment if you have unmet relief needs and:
• your principal place of residence is in an evacuation-warning area, and flood waters or storms have damaged your home
• your home has flooded above the floor
If you think you may be eligible for a relief payment, please contact us:
• in person at an Emergency Relief Centre, or
• on (03) 5153 9500
In person
You can check if there is an Emergency Relief Centre open near you at www.emergency.vic.gov.au/relief. If there is, you can go there in person. Bring some ID with you if you can, such as:
• driver licence
• Medicare card
• letter or utility bill showing your address
Once you arrive, someone from Council or the Victorian Government will talk to you to see if you are eligible. If you are, they will help you apply for an emergency relief payment.
For more information on emergency relief payments or other relief services, you can:
• contact us on (03) 5153 9500.
• visit an Emergency Relief Centre (if open)
• visit the VicEmergency website www.emergency.vic.gov.au
• call VicEmergency on 1800 226 226 (press 9 for an interpreter)
• With the recent floods, it is understandable if you are feeling concerned and experiencing a mix of strong emotions or physical reactions.
• For those who have faced flooding before, this might be a particularly challenging time that is stirring up memories and feelings of sadness, fear and grief.
• It’s important to remember that recovery is a personal journey, and everyone experiences things differently. For some people, recovery is ongoing.
• Remember, experiencing these emotions is a normal response to such events, but these concerns may lead to other issues if they are not managed.
• If you find yourself experiencing strong emotions, remember that talking about your worries and feelings as well as remaining connected to others can make them more manageable. It is important to identify what actions can be taken to address the source of your concerns. Be aware of the signs that you might need support and get help if you need it. Find out more here: www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/servicesandsupport/trauma-recovery-services.
• Seeking help is a sign of strength and often the first step in recovery.
• Remember, you are not alone in this. If you are feeling overwhelmed or concerned about your mental health, or that of someone close to you, don’t hesitate to reach out for support by talking to:
– neighbours, friends or family
– your doctor
– Lifeline on 131 114 or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636
• For more help and information, visit: www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/servicesandsupport/trauma-recovery-services.
Emergency Recovery Victoria's clean-up support for storm damaged homes program is now open for registrations.
It includes removal of dangerous trees and demolition of storm-damaged homes.
Information, including eligibility criteria and registration form can be found at clean-up support for storm damaged homes.
Note: Only uninsured and underinsured people can register for the clean-up support for storm-damaged homes program. (Those with insurance are asked to engage with their insurer.)
For help making a claim, call the Victorian Government Recovery Support Line on 1800 560 760.