media releases
Council Meeting outcomes - Tuesday 4 June
Date of Issue: 
June 4, 2024

At the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 4 June 2024, Council:

  • Considered a report on the potential to establish a Climate Change Advisory Body to Council. The report was in response to a Council resolution at the 14 November 2023 Council meeting.
    The report considered how the objectives of the resolution align with current policy, work programs collaboration and other activities. Given the comprehensive nature of existing Council policy, strategy, and activities along with available resources, the report recommended that the establishment of an Advisory Body is not progressed.
    Council noted the advice provided by officers in relation to the costs and benefits of a separate advisory body at this time, and also noted that officers will provide information and reports on Council’s activities in response to climate change; on activities to embed climate change response across the organisation; and from climate change networks and forums, amongst other activities.
  • Council declared five roads be added to its Public Roads Register.
    The roads are:

               o Bastion Point Service Road, Mallacoota

                o Chilas Road Wy Yung

                o Cobblers Creek Road, Bairnsdale

                o Ellasville Road, Nicholson

                o Sharpe Street, Lucknow

Council's Public Roads Register is viewable on the Roads page on Council’s website. If laid end to end, the roads for which Council is responsible would stretch from Bairnsdale to Cairns in Far North Queensland.

  • Council approved a six-month extension for the eight original members of the East Gippsland Agriculture Sector Advisory Committee until 30 June 2025.
    The committee supports Council’s role in creating the conditions for our communities to thrive. The timing of this year’s Election Period for Local Government would affect Council’s ability to seek expressions of interest for committee members.
    The committee was formed in 2021, with the terms originally due to expire on 31 December 2024. The extension enables the committee to continue functioning with a quorum until an expression of interest process can occur outside the Council election cycle and allow the new Councillor group to consider the committee appointments.
    The committee provides advice, guidance and recommendations to Council on matters that affect the agriculture sector in East Gippsland and its communities.

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Read the meeting minutes.

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